How to Succeed in Business? Do Less

Great essay on being successful that can be summed up in the old adage that “less is more”. But as the author discusses, it requires a societal paradigm shift in what it means to be a “hard worker”

“We should change our in­di­vid­ual work habits if we wish to per­form bet­ter, but the im­pli­ca­tions are much more far-reach­ing. We also need to change how we man­age and re­ward work, how we mea­sure eco­nomic pro­duc­tiv­ity and per­haps most im­por­tant, how our cul­ture rec­ognizes hard work. We should no longer take it as an au­to­matic com­pli­ment to hear that we’re “hard work­ing.” Hard work isn’t al­ways the best work. The key is to work smarter.

So much in our work­places is premised on the con­ven­tional wis­dom that hard work is the road to suc­cess, and that work­ing the hard­est makes you a star. Our analy­sis sug­gests the op­po­site. Yes, the best per­form­ers work hard (about 50 hours a week in our data, like Na­talie), but they don’t out­per­form be­cause they work longer hours. They out­per­form be­cause they have the courage:
1. to cut back and sim­plify when oth­ers pile on,
2. to say “no” when oth­ers say “yes,”
3. to pur­sue value when oth­ers just meet in­ter­nal goals, and
4. to change how they do their jobs when oth­ers stick with the sta­tus quo.

They’re in­no­va­tors of work.”

David PetriComment